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At BrainsFirst, we hold the belief that everyone is an 8 or a 9 in something, the question is in what. This fundamental principle drives our work at BrainsFirst. We dive into the complexity of the brain to uncover your cognitive abilities and untapped potential.

Immerse yourself in a crash course on the wonders of the brain and witness a transformative shift in how you perceive talent. With BrainsFirst and our extensive range of resources, you’ll gain a fresh perspective and a deeper understanding of the remarkable capabilities within each individual. It’s time to unlock the full potential of your cognitive talents with BrainsFirst!

From games to results

So, you’ve completed the games and received your report. But how do these games relate to your results?

Discover more about the games, what they measure and how.

The Behavioral Cycle – where do your strengths lie?


What information do you focus your attention on and what do you try to ignore?


How do you use and combine information to arrive at ideas and decisions?


How do you make decisions and weigh the different options against each other?


How do you put your projects, tasks, and schedules into action?


How do you complete your project’s tasks and schedules?


Do you prefer working on one task for a long time or do you prefer to switch it up?

Matching Brains with Jobs

In the last two decades, the US government and the European Union have developed skills frameworks that provide comprehensive and standardized information on various occupations, skills, and competencies. They are designed to help individuals, employers, and policymakers better understand the labor market and facilitate workforce development. In our scientific research, we have analyzed similarities and differences between jobs based on the O*NET (US) and ESCO (EU) skills frameworks. We observed that jobs differ from each other on 2 dimensions, adaptation-oriented versus structure-oriented and task-oriented versus people-oriented.

The interplay of the two dimensions results in the formation of four distinct combinations, known as quadrants:

  1. Adaptation & People-oriented
    Occupations falling within this quadrant require adaptability and effective collaboration with others, with an emphasis on building and nurturing relationships. Examples include teachers and real estate agents, where the ability to adapt to different situations and foster connections is paramount.
  2. Structure & People-oriented
    In this quadrant, occupations demand the ability to work harmoniously with others while adhering to established protocols. Roles within general management exemplify this, involving the coordination of teams and processes, as well as the application of knowledge. Organizational and leadership skills take center stage in these positions. Occupations such as general practitioners or police inspectors align with this quadrant.
  3. Adapation & Task-oriented
    This quadrant encompasses occupations like accountants and insurance agents. The common thread among these roles is the need for effective communication and adaptability. Anticipating problems and approaching them with solution-focused thinking are essential traits in occupations within this quadrant.
  4. Structure & Task-oriented
    Occupations falling within this quadrant include business consultants and architects. Abstract and creative thinking, coupled with the ability to follow protocols and prioritize task completion, are central to these roles. Analytical thinking forms the foundation of occupations in this quadrant.
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Working well with others

Learn how to successfully work well with others by understanding the different brain types. Discover ways to enhance teamwork and productivity by leveraging the unique strengths of each individual Brain Profile.

Why BrainsFirst

Learn all about why you should care about your brain

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The Science Behind

Learn all about the science behind what we do

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Executive Functions

Learn all about the importance of executive functions

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Frequently asked Questions and Answers

What do BrainsFirst's brain-based assessment games measure?

The games objectively measure the biological building blocks of performance. These building blocks include, for example, working memory, attention, pattern recognition, inhibition, anticipation ability, and information processing speed.

How do BrainsFirsts brain-based assessment games compare to traditional intelligence (IQ) testing?

Instead of focusing on a general level of intelligence like IQ tests, the NeurOlympics measure cogntive skills, such as decision-making. These skills are more important in predicting job performance than IQ and hence better suited to serve as a basis for hiring decisions.

What is the influence of stress and other issues on the game results?

Stress, or other issues, such as a bad night's sleep, may have a slight impact on your perfomance on the games. We therefore advise to be well-rested and calm before playing the games.

More questions?

Learn more about BrainsFirst, the NeurOlympics, and the science behind it by clicking here.